Saturday, May 24, 2008

IN3D jounal (YS's edition)

Ok, first things first, this is a rather late post, so not sure whether this will count against me. Firstly, I would like to thank Mr Douglas who is teaching us and has endured to take our nonsense until now. So thanks very much. Anyways, back to the topic, got back my laptop, downside, everything from week 1 was deleted, so cant show anything worth. T_T.
But on the flip side, I still have the skills to do all the other things which I feel is very important to my future job next time (which I have no confidence in). Anyways, Maya is a rather neat tool, something like photoshop and it allows me to create something totally from scratch as long as I know how and what to do.(sadly havent reach that stage yet). Hopefully, by the end of this whole module, I will be at least able to finish my Exia, and hopefully get it to look at least like BanPresto robots (sadly not goin very well here)

I think my future is really bending towards the design side of games, so I better pick up more skills in order to make my worth in the design sector(however, my design is just as bad as my programming, so not much diff.T_T). With Maya, miracles in designing is very much possible but it is never easy to reach that kind of level where the work will be called professional. As we carry on until week 6, I have learn many things that will help me in the future and it is going to help me a lot with my models. However, I got a very very long long way before I am able to design without any problems and a even longer time to reach a professional level in my design. But I think it shall be possible for me because my interest in there( more like i prefer design than programmin :P) We have also learn that we can add scripting languages can be added in the design, so it should make our lives more easier when we do complex animation but still got a long way to go. But we got to start somewhere anyways, so here i come my beautiful city(havent made a building yet though :p)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

IN3D Journal(Yeu Wing)

IN3D is tough. Looking at 3D modelling, I always thought it was a simple thing. However after attempting Maya, I realised that it is actually very hard to make something spectacular. There is actually a lot to do to make a good 3D model. For example, smoothing, extruding, UV editing, manipulating faces and vertices etc. Maya is a super powerful tool. I feel that we've learnt so much, and yet we've barely scratched the surface of Maya editing. And we haven't even learned scripting. D8

The first task was to create a simple robot using polygon primitives. That was pretty easy because we only needed to manipulate the scale and world coordinates. Then came the second task, which required us to replicate a scene from the Maya textbook. This was a tough assignment from the beginning. Modeling rocks was... tough. Legoman was significantly easier. The image planes help a lot in the Legoman modeling. With the image planes, the size and the shape of the polygon is readily available for you, so there is no need for guesstimating.

The first assignment is to model a town. It'd be easy if it were just tall rectangular blocks, but this assignment requires modeling a REAL looking city. It sounds tough already. Thinking about all the buildings I've ever seen, it's gonna be tough to model mine after them.

In conclusion, I just wanna say that I think Maya is a fun program, and Mr. Douglas taught us some neat tricks

-Yeu Wing

Spam's Online Journal....(Leonard)

Haha, now for my online journal.....
Well @ first, learning this subject was pretty much difficult, most of the things have to be learnt from scratch. Lots of stuff to be learnt such as smoothing the edges of polygons, extruding, and learn to make use of points like vertices, faces, edge curves and etc. So far, alot of things have been done such as making a robot, creating a scene, a cowhead as well as a LEGOman. All of this might seem easy but actually many procedures have to be done to make sure it looks just right only...The assignment is to make a city so i decided i might want to make use of my works as some sort of amusement park lol. Hopefully this can be made possible. =)

In my own opinion, I think IN3D is a really fun subject. Although the learning curve is pretty steep, with friends and Mr D. around, this subject is not that difficult to learn. As KW have pointed out, this subject really require alot of practice. Lab work is usually not enough so lots of practice and continuation have to be done @ my free time. A rock which seems easy to make is actually difficult to visualise in mind and even needs research to really make a nice rock... Tough work indeed for just one object.

There are alot of things more to be described on IN3D but I dun wanna be so long-winded lol. Michelle ur blog is so loooooonnggg.... Anyways back to the topic, I hope by continuing to study IN3D, i will be well equipped with modelling, animation as well as programming skills to enter the gaming industry. Good luck to everyone on making the city as well as animating LEGOman and flour sack. Looking forward to IN3D, Mr D.


In3D Reflection.(Eugene)

My reflection.

Firstly i would like to thank the school for giving me such a great opportunity to learn an interesting subject like 3D animation because, graphics are what makes the game successful nowadays and with the aid of this course, I can learn how to appreciate the art of animation.

At first when i started doing i thought 3D was easy, but after the second lab i found out that 3D isn't as easy as it seems on the big screens. Every frame and motion has to modified accordingly. and the hardest part of all is how real the animation would be like real life, people would not like to see an animation that does not even look like the real thing.

As far as i have been learning 3D things have not been going smoothly because there are some functions in Maya that I'm not very familiar with as i have not been practising it at home everyday, which is something that i would like to improve on in the near future.
With regards to this issue some of the work i do would take quite some time although i may be easy to complete.

As for the assignment is concerned, i would try my best to learn most of the functions in Maya and try to create a nice looking city for my assignment. thus is the biggest challenge i have encountered so far in In3D and i believe with will power i can overcome this hindrance and turn in a good assignment within my own standards.

Having said all those i would also like to thank my tutor Mr Douglas for guiding me through all the problems i have faced this far and thank him for his patience and i hope that he would be even friendly and i believe he will because he cares for his students and obviously want them to pass the subject well.

In3D has been a very entertaining subject because of its difficulty in creating an 3D object. It is a subject where i would put a lot of time and effort in but sometimes at the end of the day, the product would be rubbish. Having said that, after spending lots of time on modeling a 3D animation, you will always feel proud of your own project.

I will continue to work hard for this subject as it is a 4 CU subject :D

-Ang Yujian, Eugene

Journal!(Kuan Wei)

When the seniors told me that IN3D was going to be tough, I didn't expect it to be so tough! Whenever I watch 3D animation, I always thought that character modeling was something simple. But after experiencing it first hand myself, I got to admit, its pretty tough and time consuming. *Learns to appreciate the effort of 3D modellers* But having said that IN3D is tough, I am not complaining. I am actually loving IN3D! Personally I find it fun, interesting and challenging. Lets hope I can work in this field in the future.

Also, I feel that being good in Maya is something very important. Maya is a high-end 3D computer graphics and 3D modeling software and is widely used in the film and TV industry as well as in computer and video games. Therefore Maya will definitely be useful as a game developer next time.

Over the past few weeks in IN3D, I have learnt a lot of things. From not even knowing how to rotate the model, to things like NURBS, extruding, smoothing and UVs. From modeling a simple robot to modeling a cute lego man! Wow, it seems I have come a long way. Nah, I am sure all these are just the basics of Maya. I feel that two of the most important things I have learnt so far would be extruding and image planes. Not sure how to explain why is extruding important, I am sure everyone knows why extruding is important deep down in their heart. With image planes, we are able to construct our models accurately based on an image instead of having to estimate everything. This would definitely help to speed up the time needed to construct something.

As for the assignment, I find modeling a city very interesting. On first glance, it might seem really easy compared to the seniors' project(model a character). But there are a lot of things to consider when modeling a city. The layout of the city, the design of the buildings, the perspective, the aesthetics etc. So many things to consider! Lets hope my city would turn out looking like a city.

One of the biggest problems I have is the lack of creativity as well as my inability to draw. I am not a creative person and I can't draw for nuts ): So it would be tough coming up with awesome designs for my building. Also, I think one of the biggest challenge would be to create something to look exactly like what I have in mind. I guess I will have to work on these aspects in order to be able to carve out a career in 3D Modeling.

Overall, I feel that the key to doing well in 3D Modeling would be to practise practise and practise!

Oh, and thank you Mr Douglas for teaching us so many neat tricks.

-Kuan Wei


MAYA! After 5 weeks of continuos modelling in MAYA!, i realised its not so easy after all, but at least its much easier than when we have to draw with our own hands. In this module, i learnt about the beauty of editing a polygon to shape it in a way normal people would have thought impossible. After trying out for myself what 3D modelling is like, i realised the difficulty of making a realistic model when modelling for games and movies.

We learnt how to extrude, edit polygons in component mode where specific points can be edited and even on how to make realistic animations! So far, i have done a robot, a scene from the movie "Surf's UP" (i think), a cow, LEGOMAN and soon to be coming, a city! Dang i wanted to make my city link up with wy's but he dont wanna do it..

Personally, i think the hardest of all was the modelling for the rocks during the scene model as we had to edit point by point and still make it look like a rock! this task was by far the most challenging as its really difficult to model nature and make it look realistic. but i overcame it yahoo! i also picked up some shortcuts in MAYA that definitely make 3D modelling less frustrating as well as some cool features like the cloth~

with both modelling and programming skills, it certainly puts me up one rank above the rest woot! 3D modelling may be difficult but it sure it fun and i look forward to future lessons with Mr Douglas~


Wee You's online Journal !!

Wow. I now agree with what Mr. Douglas said. That robot we did the first week was so simple!

We had learnt a lot of different things so far in IN3D. Just last week, we learned how to create an image plane so as to assist us in our building our models. That was very interesting, and also convenient.

At first, I felt that I wasn’t learning anything much. However, when modelling the LegoMan, I realised that all the tools I used was the different things I learnt for the past few weeks (such as extruding, moving the vertexes). It made the legoman, which was more complex than the robot, much easier for me to model.

However, it is still a challenge to me to design a nice-looking city for the assignment. Nevertheless, I, and probably the rest of our class, would do our best in the city. Gogo IN3D!

Lego was fun!!! (Cheng Lai)

OMG! I cannot believe I made something that actually looks similar to the real thing. The image plane is really a very powerful tool. You can match the propotion of the figure correctly and even just move the vertexs to the correct point. Its really easy creating the legoman as its mostly consist of spheres and cuboid. The organic looking rocks are so much more harder to archeive cause you need to dent and poke in the right places to give it the rough feel. The city definatly looks easier now if I am able to get images to use as reference when creating my buildings.

Journal 1 (part 1 & 2): Maya & Animation (MGSP-Michelle)

Haha i agree with Wee You. "Don't underestimate 3D modelling".... Rather time -consuming for now! Haha and Yongsen the picture you made there, looks rather professional ...but let's see if the class finds it suitable... ;)

But wow I have been looking forward to this module! haha, animation rocks! Hopefully everything goes well and fun yea. Thanks all for helping!

Wow Kuan Wei gone far ahead of us already ahh..haha, being able to create a flour of sack...Mr Douglas once said we should be able to animate a flour sack(which is so cute and soft) , with an imaginary skeleton inside or something. Cool! ( And, who says a person over age of 20 cannot use the word 'Cool'? Mr Douglas.. you can.. )

Ok I feel weird blogging here. I hope this post is relevant..if not please feel free to delete it okay? :) Ok animation is so exciting and I enjoy watching Jimmy Neutron and also other cartoons and animation productions... as well as many other shows....Suppose and know that you all enjoy watching cartoons and 3D animation productions too...Wenyan..correct?? :P..

The way the many different amazing kinds of lovable characters there mimic real-life beings' mannerisms.... and how similar and close they are to us..., how they make us laugh etc.. They are even closer to us now that they are shows like CJ7 ( where the greenish creature mimics a dog) and Lao Fu Zi where real life people like Stephen Chow(my Idol) interact with a toy character.So if we observe human's actions now, I suppose it will help us animate in the future.. i think! So start observing each other now!

Part two (sorry I misread and thought we need to have two blog posts, haha so i typed this =X...just read it hahaha )

It's been so quick, time flies! One time we were just buying the Maya a blink of an eye...we have to build a city! We also saw Mr Douglas' building of Temasek Polytechnic which we all agreed looked really awesome and realistc. Wow, how am I ever gonna be able to build something like that... However, as you all suggested, hopefully, through practice, online tutorials, research, and our valuable, Maya classes should be able to train us to be in this competitive industry. Forgive us if we are not able to catch up in class or make silly mistakes... Thanks for clearing our doubts...

Through IN3D lesson, we learnt that we are at the higher end in this industry as our course offers programming as well as design. People who know programming and design are much sought after. I have learnt that programming is very important as it can help us reduce time and edit/ shape things the way we want it to be. *worries* I better be able to to it and not just speak of it! No point worrying, Michelle! Get started! There is still hope!, i HOPe.

I hope this post has not been too negative so far. Okay, I am sure we all enjoy Maya to an extent. In a program, we can create many different kinds of things we want. It sure is interesting and useful. I agree with Taiyou's post alot, especially the last part where he mentioned about having the proficiency in Maya, we will be given future opportunities on our jobs and also benefit us in creating games for the world.

As what Leslie as mentioned about the plane images, it is useful as it helps us and lessen the hassle in having to estimate or try too hard to visualize everything. Even when we import plane images, we may come across the time when the objects looked distorted. In order to make it be in the correct shape, we should retype the sizes of the objects to it's respective width and length.

It is amazing how we can change and import the textures and colours into our objects and make it look like a skin of its own which we should ensure, must fit in. For example, the earth texture, is intially from a flat image, can be wrapped around a sphere, making it look like the globe of the Earth! This means, we can literally create almost anything we want! From an blue imaginary friend, to a furry cute little dog, to a lovely-looking tree outside that window we see!

Alrights, good luck everyone for your city & all your lovely Maya activities & your two journals up here that by Friday 23 May, 12pm, if I am not wrong..AHH~ ahhahaa. HAVE GREAT FUN & PASSION!! (Despite your frustration, if you last for 2 hours or more..!!)

-Michelle -

Maya... (Kenneth)

After this few weeks of in3d, i really feel that maya is a very important tool. Maya will most likely have a great impact in my career later on in life. This is because in the game industry, a lot of companies make use of maya to create their games. So if i have the knowledge of how to use maya, i will have further prospects in my career life. Furthermore, as a GET student, we must not only be skilled in programming but also designing.

During the past few weeks of maya lessons, i have learnt about textures, extruding, UVs and some smoothing techniques. However, there are many difficulties that i faced along the way. Im sure most of us also encountered difficulties when learning maya especially when we are totally new to its features and such. By using the textbook, i am able to understand some of the features that is available to me in maya better, and am able to make my models more realistic.

In learning maya, i have added on my knowledge of designing and will definitely aid me in my future assignments.I believe that by trying and continue to work hard, i would be able to produce better results.



After being introduced to MAYA, i discovered that it is indeed a very powerful tool in creating graphics and animation as many of the gaming industries today makes use widely of MAYA to create their games. As a game player, i am sure that the graphics aspect of a game is also as important as the game play. Many will consider the graphics quality of each game before deciding to try out. Therefore, as a GET student, it is definitely essential for us to be both well-versed in programming, and also in designing areas.

After serveral lessons on MAYA, We learnt about using polygons, NURBS and the different variations of tools in MAYA to create many creative graphics. Programming languages such as python and MEL can also be used to improve the efficiency of work. In the industry today, many people are already proficient in using MAYA. However, a graphics made in MAYA can be done by using many different methods such as bevel, extrude and texturizing. In my opinion, one who can produce images in the most efficient and simplest method makes a good designer.

As a MAYA learner, i am sure that most of my classmates will also encounter difficulties in creating the graphics they want. The guidebook we were recommended to buy was quite helpful and also several websites i went to while searching for solutions. One of them is There are tutorials and tips which can aid us in our learning.

By continously learning MAYA, adding onto our knowledge and resources, it will definitely aid us in doing our assignment on the city. With the proficiency in MAYA, it will give us more future opportunities on our jobs and also benefit us in creating games for the world.

-Tai You

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Planes images (Leslie)

This week lesson was particularly useful as Mr Douglas shown us how to create planes to store our images.I find it very useful as it allows use to construct our model of accurate dimensions.The image plane also cuts down alot of time and effort as everything can be done so quickly.
Still touching up on my legoman,arms are a little weird.

I feel that the image plane will proved particularly useful in doing my assignment of building the city as i will be able to construct buildings very fast using the technique.
After weeks of Maya, i have learnt that there are so many tips and tricks that i can pick up to speed up my work and so far these techniques have proved to be useful for me.

Hope to learn more about applying textures and colours to my models now to make them look more realistic.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Making the cowhead, Not the whole cow...(Leonard)

Wow, making the cowhead sure is a lot of work but fun. Just started cutting out the holes for the cow's eyes but looking at it, my cow's eyes look rather sad compared to Mr D's. Guess I still need to brush up on my Maya. Hopefully, the cowhead will come in handy for the assignment (city-making). =)

Monday, May 12, 2008

City from Maya - Journal 1 (Kenny)

As the title suggests, in3d's first assignment would be to create a city in Maya. Douglas taught that class alot on how to use maya efficiently as well as introduce the countless tools and tricks of Maya.

There are many things to take note on ways to make the city better on what we have learnt so far:
- NURBS vs Polygons
- Texturing
- Sketching/ Planning

About the sketching part, it is absolutely cool that a plan of a random part of the city Douglas drew and construct from there. I find this very useful. drawing is much part of planning rather than to think in the mind. References would be an advantage and so far, sights of inspiration comes from games and shows.

Surface textures from the net can be used but with proper credit to the source. Good luck c180 on city-making.

- Kenny

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Serious Douglas all the way~ (Leonard)

This week's Mr Douglas is a serious one. He taught us alot of things like using the graph editor to make animation, and also an example of a pretty nice developed city. Dang, that city was so brillantly done... 1hr of talking is gd 4 ur soul =)

MAYA Days (Mock/Terrence)

After 3 Weeks of Maya, I've learnt how to create and manipulate a 3d object (such as extrude, bevel, setting pivot points, etc) as well as animating the objects.

The class started off with the robot creation, where I must create different shapes, joining them together to create a robot figure. It's the most simple task in Maya now, but during the 1st lesson, it seemed Hell to me.
From the lesson, I've learnt the difference between NURBS and polygon objects and which to use for certain situation. Also, it is important to use the X, Y, Z axis to move and rotate objects so that they won't move out of point. Lastly, I learnt the different shortcut keys to ease future creations.

The 1st lesson is very interesting, but the further lessons just got tougher and tougher, but I will try to do well. Yeah~

Moving on to the CowHead Creation. In this lesson, I have learnt how to extrude and the danger of extrusion. Extrude means to create a new face on the selected faces, so that we can use the new face to move, rotate or scale to create the CowHead. Another skill I've learnt is Bevelling and Smoothing, this makes rougher surfaces such as areas around the eyes and nose smoother and more realistic.
Extrusion is useful when different scales of faces needs to be created but at the same time connected to one another. (Eg. Face of Legoman on Week 5).
All the previous lessons on MAYA have help greatly for my city Assignment.

I've encountered many problems when working on MAYA and the recommended Book (Learning Autodesk MAYA 2008) and some websites(, have helped a lot in solving them.

With the proficiency in both MAYA and programming, it will definitely give me an upper hand in finding jobs in future.

-Mock/ Terrence

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Update for blog(YS

Due to popular demand, I have removed the picture. If any of you guys wants to change the theme or picture etc etc, go ahead.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"Cow Head"(Kenneth)

OMG!!! My cow head looks really wierd. The nose is so big but the head is so small. ><
Haiz... Got to try working harder for this subject.

Post By Kenneth

Difference between 8.5 and 2008(Chu Ping)

Maya 8.5 have the ctrl space func, but 2008 does not...


Whew.. today IN3D lesson was mainly focusing on how to create a cow's head.So many of us ended up with dogs and stuff.I guess the real concept of doing a model of it was to show how realistic you can create and edit your model so as to get a desire looking shape of the model

Nevertheless i felt that the techniques thought in class today was useful and especially techniques such as bevelling and extruding as well as using of curves to create a table in just a few simple steps.I feel that not compromising when you are doing a model would produce a better looking model as it will affect the quality of your work very greatly.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Maya's tools(Bao Guang)

Maya has a lot of tools, however, to use them to the best efficiency is difficult.

Even the efficiency is there, using it to make what you wanted is even harder. So there is really a need to master both techniques, and also how to use them to the maximum potential.

In order to do a good looking 3D model, I do think that the most important is to use tools to the best of their abilities to what you need.

Post By-Bao Guang

Sunday, May 4, 2008

finally done(YS)

FINALLY DONE!!! This really took me a long long time, and it just does not look like anything we are supposed to do, and the chimney dosent look like a chimney. T_T
YS here

Saturday, May 3, 2008

My thoughts on IN3D(Leslie)

IN3D has been enjoyable for me,i have learnt how to create basic models with the help of maya. Although i had a tough time model some stuff and sort.

Last week lesson when Mr.Douglas was trying to teach wee you and me how to use the nCloth stuff, it was so cool. And we were like wow,but when we tried to run the animation it was so hard to get our desire shape.Thus we decided to stick to polygon instead.

Seriously sometimes modelling is just so hard when u are trying to get a desire shape nevertheless i enjoy it can see the class is enjoying it too.HAHA..

Maya has hang for me yet that was close as ithink it happens to most of the ppl in class.
Short. Save your work.


Drawing Versus Computer(Kenny)

Using the computer to create objects, scenes and action, be it 2d or 3d graphics, would drawing be a simpler option or aiding in your making models or graphics?

Doing photoshop and maya, similar to edit and modify from simple shapes to create a certain object. However, many designers often draw or sculp their models out before starting on making them.