Thursday, May 22, 2008


MAYA! After 5 weeks of continuos modelling in MAYA!, i realised its not so easy after all, but at least its much easier than when we have to draw with our own hands. In this module, i learnt about the beauty of editing a polygon to shape it in a way normal people would have thought impossible. After trying out for myself what 3D modelling is like, i realised the difficulty of making a realistic model when modelling for games and movies.

We learnt how to extrude, edit polygons in component mode where specific points can be edited and even on how to make realistic animations! So far, i have done a robot, a scene from the movie "Surf's UP" (i think), a cow, LEGOMAN and soon to be coming, a city! Dang i wanted to make my city link up with wy's but he dont wanna do it..

Personally, i think the hardest of all was the modelling for the rocks during the scene model as we had to edit point by point and still make it look like a rock! this task was by far the most challenging as its really difficult to model nature and make it look realistic. but i overcame it yahoo! i also picked up some shortcuts in MAYA that definitely make 3D modelling less frustrating as well as some cool features like the cloth~

with both modelling and programming skills, it certainly puts me up one rank above the rest woot! 3D modelling may be difficult but it sure it fun and i look forward to future lessons with Mr Douglas~


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